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  Fire Resistence


When you use HEBEL AAC, safety is built-in. With the highest fire rating in the industry, our building systems offer the best fire safety available.


HEBEL AAC has proven to remain fully intact and withstand the stress of fire for up to 4 hours without any impairment to its stability. Even under intense heat, HEBEL AAC remains tightly sealed against smoke and gas, emitting no toxic fumes.


Advantages of fire behavior on Hebel AAC.


✓ Fire Safety - 4 hours certified by UL (Underwriters Laboratory)

✓ Not flammable

✓ Highest temperature damping

✓ Environmentally friendly



















Supplies a two hour per two inch and a four hour per four inch UL fire rating within one, stand alone product that can be installed faster than traditional fire walls, and provide greater fire protection while saving resources. Hebel AAC is not only non-combustible; it heats up significantly less and more slowly than other building materials.


When the ASTM E119 fire water hose stream test, at 30 psi, is performed after two hours of temperatures in excess of 1800 °F, the two hour fire rated sheetrock is fully penetrated within 37 seconds. Under the same test conditions, an 8” block Hebel AAC wall maintains its structural integrity and the water hose instead cleans the Hebel AAC wall.


      Fire Test PDF



Torch Test
Fire Test
Burn Test
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